Reno 911, an American comedy television series on Comedy Central that started in 2003. It is a parody of law enforcement reality shows, specifically COPS, with actors (instead of real officers) playing largely incompetent police officers. The show is known for its use of improvisation, with minimal scripting. An irreverent look at what goes on behind-the-scenes in the city of Reno's police department.
From the folks that brought you "The State" and "Viva Variety!" are back for some law-enforcement mayhem. Meet the men and women of the Washoe County Sheriff's Department, led by Lt. Jim Dangle (Tom Lennon) -- a straight-and-narrow cop who might not be all that "straight" after all. This Deputies include a former topless showgirl and a 5-foot-4 veritable crime-fightin' machine.
The lives of seven incompetent Reno sheriff's deputies are detailed in this "Cops" style parody. Among the colorful characters are Lt. Jim Dangle, the short shorts-wearing, flamboyantly gay supervisor; Deputy James Garcia, who makes police brutality an art form; Deputy Trudy Wiegel, the manic depressive, racist sociopath; Deputy Clementine Johnson, the skanky former magician's assistant; Deputy Travis Junior, the redneck who is never seen without his kevlar vest and sunglasses; Deputy S. Jones, the semi-competent ladies' man; and Deputy Raineesha Williams, the bootylicious black cop with an attitude....
From the folks that brought you "The State" and "Viva Variety!" are back for some law-enforcement mayhem. Meet the men and women of the Washoe County Sheriff's Department, led by Lt. Jim Dangle (Tom Lennon) -- a straight-and-narrow cop who might not be all that "straight" after all. This Deputies include a former topless showgirl and a 5-foot-4 veritable crime-fightin' machine.
The lives of seven incompetent Reno sheriff's deputies are detailed in this "Cops" style parody. Among the colorful characters are Lt. Jim Dangle, the short shorts-wearing, flamboyantly gay supervisor; Deputy James Garcia, who makes police brutality an art form; Deputy Trudy Wiegel, the manic depressive, racist sociopath; Deputy Clementine Johnson, the skanky former magician's assistant; Deputy Travis Junior, the redneck who is never seen without his kevlar vest and sunglasses; Deputy S. Jones, the semi-competent ladies' man; and Deputy Raineesha Williams, the bootylicious black cop with an attitude....
Grab Your copy of Reno 911! The Complete First Season on DVD
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